Check out our new house! We love it! We moved in around the end of June and Julia still has loads of projects in the works to make it a "home". Our new address is 24479 N Corn St., Florence, Arizona, 85232 and our new phone number is 520.233.6474.
Halloween was a blast! Leia was Dorothy and Kyle was the Lion from Wizard of Oz. Leia collected a pumpkin full of sweets while Daddy wheeled her and baby brother around in the wagon in style. It was especially sentimental trick-or-treating in our first real neighborhood! There's no place like home!
We've got a kungfoo daddy, a toolman mommy, a slobbery smelly brother, and a skinny minny sissy. oh, and two chew-it-all pooches.
Childhood sweethearts Wayne and Julia have been married almost five years this February. It's been a rollercoaster ride of passion and pampers, with two babies, two dogs, two current student loans, two jobs, a mortgage, and a partridge and a pear tree.